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Lucinda Williams

De Wikipedia
Lucinda Williams
Nacimientu Lake Charles (es) Traducir[1]26 de xineru de 1953[2] (71 años)
Nacionalidá Bandera de Estaos Xuníos d'América Estaos Xuníos
Padre Miller Williams
Llingües falaes inglés
Oficiu cantautora, compositora, productora musical, arreglista, entamadoraartista d'estudiu
Trabayos destacaos Happy Woman Blues
Lucinda Williams (es) Traducir
Sweet Old World
World Without Tears (es) Traducir
Live @ The Fillmore (en) Traducir
West (es) Traducir
Little Honey
Blessed (es) Traducir
Down Where the Spirit Meets the Bone (es) Traducir
The Ghosts of Highway 20 (es) Traducir
Xéneru artísticu country alternativo (es) Traducir
música folk
pop rock
Instrumentu musical guitarra acústica
guitarra llétrica
Discográfica Smithsonian Folkways
Rough Trade
Mercury Records
Lost Highway
IMDb nm0931200
Cambiar los datos en Wikidata

Lucinda Williams (26 de xineru de 1953Lake Charles (es) Traducir) ye una cantautora d'Estaos Xuníos de música rock, folk y country. Llogró tres premios Grammy, y foi considerada la meyor autora de cantares d'Estaos Xuníos pola revista TIME en 2002.

Carrera musical

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Con pocu más de venti años, tocaba nes ciudaes texanas d'Austin y Houston un amiestu de folk, rock y country. En 1978 treslladar a Jackson, nel estáu de Mississippi, pa grabar el so primer discu, pa Smithsonian/Folkways Records. Tituláu Ramblin', consistía nuna coleición de versiones de temes de country y blues. Dos años dempués, en 1980, publicó Happy Woman Blues, con temes de creación propia. Nengún de los dos álbumes tuvo demasiada repercusión.

A empiezos de la década de 1980, treslladar a Los Angeles, en California, onde empezó a llabrase una reputación coles sos actuaciones, tanto llétriques como acústiques. Más tarde instalóse en Nashville, Tennessee. En 1988 editó un nuevu álbum, col sellu Rough Trade Records, tituláu cenciellamente Lucinda Williams. El discu senciellu "Changed the Locks", alrodiu de la rotura d'una rellación, foi radiáu n'emisores de tol país y ganó-y dellos siguidores ente les xentes del negociu de la música, ente ellos Tom Petty, quien grabaría más tarde una versión d'esti cantar.

La so siguiente grabación, Sweet Old World (Chameleon, 1992), ye un álbum de tonu murniu, nel que tán bien presentes les temes del suicidiu y la muerte. El so principal ésitu mientres los primeros años de la década de 1990 foi como autora de cantares. Mary Chapin Carpenter grabó en 1992 una versión de "Passionate Kisses" (del álbum Lucinda Williams), que foi un gran ésitu nes llistes de country. Por esta tema, Williams llogró'l Grammy al meyor cantar de country en 1994. Gracies a esto, pudo ganase l'apreciu de la crítica, pero'l so ésitu comercial siguía siendo bastante moderáu. Tenía fama de demasiáu perfeccionista, y de trabayar bien adulces na sala de grabación. Ello ye que pasaron seis años primero que publicara'l so siguiente discu, anque apaeció como artista convidada n'álbumes d'otros músicos y participó en dellos discos coleutivos mientres esti periodu.

La so siguiente grabación, bien esperada, apaeció en 1998, col títulu de Car Wheels on a Gravel Road. Esti discu, que foi premiáu col Grammy al meyor discu de folk contemporaneu, apurrió-y finalmente l'ésitu comercial que tantes vegaes habíase-y negáu. Amás de recibir escelentes crítiques, l'álbum vendióse perbién. Tuvieron gran repercusión sobremanera dos tarrezas, dambos editaos en discu senciellu: "Still I Long for Your Kiss", que formó parte de la banda sonora de la película de Robert Redford The Horse Whisperer, y "Can't Let Go". Dempués de la publicación del discu, Williams realizó una xira con Bob Dylan, y otra como cabeza de cartelu, pa la promoción del so álbum.

El so siguiente discu, Essence (2001), foi tamién un gran ésitu. Esti álbum, abondo más senciellu que l'anterior tocantes a la so producción, averó a Williams al públicu de la música alternativa. Unu de les temes incluyíes nel álbum, "Get Right With God", apurrió-y en 2002 el so tercer Grammy, pola meyor interpretación femenina de rock. Trátase d'una atípica tema de gospel-rock que cuntó cola contribución col órganu Hammond del músicu de country alternativu Ryan Adams.

En 2003 publicó World Without Tears, y en 2005, un discu en direutu,Live @ The Fillmore. West, ta dedicáu a la so madre, apocayá finada, pa la qu'escribió más de 27 cantares. El discu, editáu'l 13 de febreru de 2007, contién 13 temes, y el so estilu ye abondo similar al de World Without Tears. El 14 d'ochobre de 2008 publicó "Little Honey", y en 2011 "Blessed".

En 2014 publica Down Where the Spirit Meets the Bone un álbum doble d'una calidá estraordinaria.[4] Con un equipu qu'inclúi a Tony Joe White, Greg Leisz, Jonathan Wilson o Doug Pettibone y a los Imposters, la banda d'acompañamientu d'Elvis Costello, qu'apurren la so base rítmica per mediu de Pete Thomas y Davey Faragher. Un corazón trevesáu por un cuchiellu afata la portada d'esti álbum que la so temática nutrir de les andanadas de la vida, el sufrimientu que provoquen y l'actitú cola qu'enfrentase a elles. Empieza'l discu con Compassion, una adautación d'un poema del so padre (Miller Williams) con guitarra acústica onde reina la sobriedá. Polo xeneral la música de la cantante ta decisivamente influyida polos soníos del country de raigaños, tal que puede apreciase en East Side of Town, o na ritmica This Old Heartache. En It’s Gonna Rain, más sobria y doliosa, va apaecer la voz fondo y delicao de Jakob Dylan como bon contrapuntu. N'otres temes como West Memphis o Something Wicked This Way Come y Everything but the Truth tamién destaca'l llabor de les guitarres. Otros cantares a destacar son la épica Cold Day in Hell, la sentimental Wrong Number, la tranquila When I Look at the World, cola so reivindicación del olvidu de los errores, o One More Day, na que sobresal la seición de metales.

El so álbum de 2016, Ghosts of Highway 20 ye doble, con trelce nueves cantares, más una versión de Factory de Bruce Springsteen, en que sigue'l duelu pol so padre, el poeta Miller Williams, presa del Alzheimer nos sos últimos años y la idea de mortalidá, al tener conciencia que yá vivimos más de lo que nos queda per delantre.[5]

El discu xira redolada a la carretera como metáfora vital. Lucinda Williams fala de ‘’moteles en cayente y valles publicitaries destiñíes, coches usaos en venta y depósitos de chatarra’’ na tema titular. Trátase tamién d'un realcuentru col pasáu: ‘’Quien soi agora ye quien fui entós. Nun hai dulda dalguna, soi pariente de toles pantasmes a lo llargo de l'autopista’’. En Doors of Heaven confiesa que quiciabes se cansó de vivir y pide que-y abran les puertes celestiales, onde ‘’voi pasiar na gloria, cuntándo-y a toos la mio hestoria una y otra vez’’. En Luisiana Story describe la infancia y el complexu de culpa que inculca una severa educación relixosa, y en Can’t Close the Door on Love, referir a la empatía pa superar los fracasos. Otres temes a destacar son Place in my Heart o Bitter Memory.


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Álbumes d'estudiu

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  • 1979 - Ramblin'
  • 1980 - Happy Woman Blues
  • 1988 - Lucinda Williams
  • 1992 - Sweet Old World
  • 1998 - Car Wheels on a Gravel Road
  • 2001 - Essence
  • 2003 - World Without Tears
  • 2007 - West
  • 2008 - Little Honey
  • 2011 - Blessed
  • 2014 - Down Where the Spirit Meets the Bone
  • 2016 - The Ghosts of Highway 20

Álbumes en direutu

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  • 2005 - Live @ The Fillmore
  • 2005 - Lucinda Williams - Live from Austin, TX

Compilaciones y apaiciones como convidada

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  • 1988 – Various Artists – "Dark Side of Life" on A Town South of Bakersfield, Vols. 1 & 2
  • 1990 – Various Artists – "Which Will" (first version) on True Voices
  • 1990 – The Band of Blacky Ranchette – "Burning Desire" on Sage Advice
  • 1992 – David Rodriguez – "Deportee (Plane Wreck at Los Gatos)" on The True Cross
  • 1993 – Various Artists – "Pancakes" on Born to Choose
  • 1993 – Various Artists – "Main Road" on Sweet Relief: A Benefit for Victoria Williams
  • 1993 – Jimmie Dale Gilmore – "Reunion" on Spinning Around the Sun
  • 1993 – Michael Fracasso – "Door Non. 1" on Love & Trust
  • 1994 – Various Artists – "You Don't Have Very Far to Go" on Tulare Dust: A Songwriter's Tribute to Merle Haggard
  • 1994 – Various Artists – "Positively 4th Street" on In Their Own Words, Vol. 1 – Live Performances from the Bottom Line, New York City
  • 1994 – Julian Dawson – "How Can I Sleep Without You" on How Human Hearts Behave
  • 1994 – Lisa Mednick – "A Different Sky" on Artifacts of Love
  • 1995 – Terry Allen – "Room to Room" and "Black to Black" on Human Remains
  • 1995 – Kieran Kane – "This Dirty Little Town" on Dead Rekoning
  • 1995 – Chris Gaffney – "Cowboys to Girls" on Loser's Paradise
  • 1996 – Various Artists – "The Night's Too Long" on Lone Star: Original Soundtrack from the Film
  • 1996 – Steve Earle – "You're Still Standing There" on I Feel Alright
  • 1997 – RB Morris – "Glory Dreams" on Take That Ride
  • 1997 – Ray Wylie Hubbard – "The Ballad of the Crimson Kings" on Dangerous Spirits
  • 1997 – Donnie Fritts – "Breakfast in Bed" on Everybody's Got a Song
  • 1997 – Bo Ramsey – "Desert Flower" on In the Weeds
  • 1998 – Hayseed – "Precious Memories" and "Credo" on Melic
  • 1998 – Robbie Fulks – "Pretty Little Poison" on Let's Kill Saturday Night
  • 1998 – Various Artists – "Here in California" on Treasures Left Behind: Remembering Kate Wolf
  • 1998 – Nanci Griffith – "Wings of a Dove" on Other Voices, Too (A Trip Back to Bountiful)
  • 1998 – Various Artists – "Come to Me Baby" on Wolf Tracks: A Tribute to Howlin' Wolf
  • 1999 – Bruce Cockburn – "When You Give It Away", "Isn't That What Friends Are For?", "Look How Far" and "Use Me While You Can" on Breakfast in New Orleans, Dinner in Timbuktu[17]
  • 1999 – Leftover Salmon – "Lines Around Your Eyes" on The Nashville Sessions
  • 1999 – Various Artists – "Return of the Grievous Angel" with David Crosby on Return of the Grievous Angel: Tribute to Gram Parsons
  • 1999 – John Prine – "Wedding Bells"/"Let's Turn Back The Years" on In Spite of Ourselves
  • 1999 – Little Milton – "Love Hurts" on Welcome to Little Milton
  • 1999 – Evie Sands – "Cool Blues Story" on Women in Prison
  • 1999 – Chip Taylor – "Through Their Mother's Eyes" and "If I Don't Know Love" on Seven Days in May...a love story
  • 1999 – Bonepony – "Sweet Bye and Bye" on Traveler's Companion
  • 2000 – Sue Foley – "Empty Cup" on Love Comin' Down
  • 2000 – Kevin Gordon – "Down to the Well on Down to the Well
  • 2000 – Chip Taylor – "Head First", "Annie on Your Mind" and "The Ghost of Phil Sinclair" on The London Sessions Bootleg
  • 2001 – Kasey Chambers – "On a Bad Day" on Barricades & Brickwalls
  • 2001 – Matthew Ryan – "Devastation" on Concussion
  • 2001 – Various Artists – "Cold, Cold Heart" on Timeless: Hank Williams Tribute
  • 2001 – Ralph Stanley and Friends – "Farther Along" on Clinch Mountain Sweethearts
  • 2001 – Various Artists – "Nothin'" on A Tribute to Townes Van Zandt
  • 2001 – Chip Taylor – "Could I Live with This" and "The Ship" on Black and Blue America
  • 2001 – Various Artists – "Angels Laid Him Away" on Avalon Blues: A Tribute to the Music of Mississippi John Hurt
  • 2002 – Various Artists – "Lately" on Going Driftless: An Artist's Tribute to Greg Brown
  • 2003 – Various Artists – "Hang Down Your Head" on Crossing Jordan – Original Soundtrack
  • 2003 – Terri Binion – "GayleAnne" on Fool
  • 2003 – Various Artists – "Hard Times Killing Floor Blues" on Martin Scorsese Presents the Blues: The Soul of a Man
  • 2003 – Colin Linden – "Don't Tell Me" on Big Mouth
  • 2004 – Graham Parker – "Cruel Lips" on Your Country
  • 2004 – Flogging Molly – "Factory Girls" on Within a Mile of Home
  • 2004 – Elvis Costello – "There's a Story in Your Voice" on The Delivery Man
  • 2004 – Willie Nelson – "Overtime" on It Always Will Be
  • 2004 – Various Artists – "Pyramid of Tears" on Por Vida – A Tribute to the Songs of Alejandro Escovedo
  • 2004 – Various Artists – "Down to the Well" with Kevin Gordon on Non Depression: What It Sounds Like, Vol. 1
  • 2004 – Tony Joe White – "Closing In on the Fire" on The Heroines
  • 2005 – North Mississippi Allstars – "Hurry Up Sunrise" on Electric Blue Watermelon
  • 2006 – Tim Easton – "Back to the Pain" on Ammunition
  • 2006 – Ramblin' Jack Elliott – "Careless Darling" on I Stand Alone
  • 2006 – P.F. Sloan – "Sins of a Family" on Sailover
  • 2006 – John Brannen – "A Cut So Deep" on Twilight Tattoo
  • 2006 – Anne McCue – "Hellfire Raiser" on Coala Motel
  • 2006 – Various Artists – "Bonnie Portmore" on Rogue's Gallery: Pirate Ballads, Sía Songs, and Chanteys
  • 2006 – Doug Pettibone – "Two of Us" and "She Belongs to Me" on The West Gate
  • 2007 – Various Artists – "Honey Chile" on Goin' Home: A Tribute to Fats Domino
  • 2007 – John Platania – "In Memory of Zapata" on Blues, Waltzes & Badland Borders
  • 2008 – Various Artists – "Mames Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys" on The Imus Ranch Record
  • 2008 – Carrie RodriguezMask of Moses on "She Ain't Me"
  • 2009 – Susan Marshall – "Don't Let Me Down" on Little Rede
  • 2009 – Various Artists – "Positively 4th Street" (studio version) on The Village: A Celebration of the Music of Greenwich Village
  • 2009 – M. Ward – "Oh Lonesome Me" on Hold Time
  • 2010 – Various Artists – "Kiss Like Your Kiss" w/ Elvis Costello on True Blood – Music from the HBO Original Series Volume 2 [Soundtrack]
  • 2010 – Various Artists – "The Ballad of Lucy Jordan" on Twistable, Turnable Man: A Musical Tribute to the Songs of Shel Silverstein[7]
  • 2010 – Ray Davies – "Long Way from Home" on See My Friends (album)
  • 2010 – Jimmy Webb – "Galveston" on Just Across The River
  • 2010 – Various Artists – "Somebody Somewhere (Don't Know What He's Missin' Tonight)" on Coal Miner's Daughter: A Tribute to Loretta Lynn
  • 2011 – Over the Rhine – "Undamned" on The Long Surrender
  • 2011 – Michael Monroe – "Gone, Baby Gone" on Sensory Overdrive
  • 2011 – Amos Lee – "Clear Blue Eyes" on Mission Bell
  • 2011 – Blackie & The Arrodio Kings – "If I Can't Have You" on Kings & Queens
  • 2011 – Steve Cropper – "Dedicated to the One I Love" and "When I Get Like This" on Dedicated: A Salute to the 5 Royales
  • 2011 – Son of the Velvet Rat – "Moment of Fame" and "White Patch of Canvas" on Rede Chamber Music
  • 2011 – Tom Russell – "A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall" on Mesabi
  • 2011 – Various Artists – "I'm So Happy I Found You" on The Lost Notebooks of Hank Williams
  • 2012 – Walter Rose – "Driving South" on Cast Your Stone
  • 2012 – Various Artists – "Tryin' to Get to Heaven" on Chimes of Freedom: The Songs of Bob Dylan Honoring 50 Years of Amnesty International
  • 2012 – Various Artists – "God I'm Missing You" on KIN: Songs by Mary Karr & Rodney Crowell
  • 2012 – Lil' Band o' Gold – "I'm Ready" on Lil' Band o' Gold Plays Fats
  • 2012 – Various Artists – "Hurt" on We Walk the Line: A Celebration of the Music of Johnny Cash
  • 2012 – Various Artists – "That Time Of Night" on Oh Michael, Look What You’ve Done: Friends Play Michael Chapman
  • 2012 – Various Artists – "The Farm" on The Inner Flame: A Rainer Ptacek Tribute
  • 2012 – Various Artists – "Mississippi You're On My Mind" on Quiet About It: A Tribute To Jesse Winchester
  • 2012 – Various Artists – "Whispering Pines" on Love for Levon
  • 2012 – Various Artists – "House of Earth" on Woody Guthrie at 100: Live at the Kennedy Center
  • 2013 – Various Artists – "Everything But the Truth" (first version) on The Lone Ranger: Wanted
  • 2013 – Various Artists – "This Old Guitar" on The Music Is You: A Tribute to John Denver
  • 2013 – Various Artists – "Partners in Crime" on Songs for Slim: Rockin' Here Tonight—A Benefit Compilation for Slim Dunlap
  • 2014 – Chip Taylor – "Sleep with Open Windows" and "I'll Only Be M'Once" on The Little Prayers Trilogy
  • 2014 – Various Artists – "The Pretender" on Looking into You: A Tribute To Jackson Browne
  • 2015 – Buick 6 – "So Much Trouble in the World" on Plays Well with Others
  • 2015 – G. Love and Special Sauce – "New York City" on Love Saves the Day
  • 2015 – Don Henley – "Train in the Distance" on Cass County
  • 2015 – Boz Scaggs – "Whispering Pines" (duet version) on A Fool to Care
  • 2015 – Various Artists – "Met an Old Friend" on Remembering Mountains: Unheard Songs by Karen Dalton
  • 2016 – Buddy Miller – "Hickory Wind" on Cayamo Sessions at Sea
  • 2016 – Various Artists – "It's Nobody's Fault But Mine" and "God Don't Never Change" on God Don't Never Change: The Songs of Blind Willie Johnson

Premios y nominaciones

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Americana Music Awards

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Les Americana Awards son concedíos cada añu pola Americana Music Association.

Añu !Categoría !Obra !Resultáu
2003 Artist of the Year Lucinda Williams Nominated
2003 Song of the Year Righteously Nominated
2007 Artist of the Year Lucinda Williams Nominated
2007 Song of the Year Are You Alright? Nominated
2007 Album of the Year West Nominated
2011 Lifetime Achievement Award (songwriting) Lucinda Williams Ganadora
2011 Album of the Year Blessed Nominated
2015 Song of the Year "East Side of Town" Nominated
2015 Album of the Year Down Where the Spirit Meets the Bone Ganadora
2015 Artist of the Year Lucinda Williams Nominated
2016 Artist of the Year Lucinda Williams Pending
2016 Album of the Year The Ghosts of Highway 20 Pending

Grammy Awards

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Los Grammy Awards son concedíos añalmente pola National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences of the United States.

Añu !Nominación/Obra !Categoría !Resultáu
1993 Passionate Kisses (songwriter – performed by Mary Chapin Carpenter)[18][19] Best Country Song Ganadora
1999 "Can't Let Go" Nominated
Car Wheels on a Gravel Road[1] Best Contemporary Folk Album Ganadora
2002 "Essence" Nominated
"Get Right With God"[20] Ganadora
"Cold, Cold Heart" Nominated
Essence Best Contemporary Folk Album Nominated
2003 "Lately" (from Going Driftless – An Artists' Tribute to Greg Brown) Nominated
2004 "Righteously" Nominated
World Without Tears Best Contemporary Folk Album Nominated
2008 "Come On" Nominated
Best Rock Song Nominated
2010 Little Honey Best Americana Album Nominated
2011 "Kiss Like Your Kiss" (From True Blood) Nominated
2012 Blessed Best Americana Album Nominated


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  1. 1,0 1,1 Afirmao en: Allmusic. Llingua de la obra o nome: inglés.
  2. Afirmao en: Gemeinsame Normdatei. Data de consulta: 27 abril 2014. Llingua de la obra o nome: alemán. Autor: Biblioteca Nacional d'Alemaña.
  3. URL de la referencia: Data de consulta: 22 xunu 2020.
  4. «Lucinda Williams: “Down Where the Spirit Meets the Bone” ~ El Giradiscos». Consultáu'l 5 de xunetu de 2016.
  5. País, Ediciones La fecha=9 de febreru de 2016. «Lucinda Williams: Viaxe a la nueche de l'alma» (castellanu). Consultáu'l 5 de xunetu de 2016.

Enllaces esternos

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