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Paul Williams (cantautor)

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Paul Williams
Nacimientu Omaha19 de setiembre de 1940[1] (84 años)
Nacionalidá Bandera de Estaos Xuníos d'América Estaos Xuníos
Llingua materna inglés
Estudios Universidá de California en Los Angeles
Woodrow Wilson Classical High School (en) Traducir
Llingües falaes inglés
Oficiu actor, guionista, compositor, cantante, actor de cine, actor de televisión, compositor de cantares, compositor de bandas sonoras (es) Traducir, actor de voz, cantautormúsicu
Trabayos destacaos We've Only Just Begun
Just an Old Fashioned Love Song
Phantom of the Paradise
Smokey and the Bandit
Xéneru artísticu música folk
soft rock
música de cine
Instrumentu musical voz
Discográfica A&M Records (es) Traducir
IMDb nm0931437
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Paul Hamilton Williams, Jr.[2] (Omaha 19 de setiembre de 1940) ye un músicu, compositor, autor, y actor d'Estaos Xuníos.

Carrera musical

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Paul Williams ye un prolíficu compositor y cantante d'un númberu importante de cantares d'ésitu na década de 1970, inclusive dellos ésitos de la banda Three Dog Night (An Old Fashioned Love Song, "The Family of Man", y "Out in the Country"), Helen Reddy ("You and Me Against the World"), y el gran exito "We've Only Just Begun" de The Carpenters ("Rainy Days and Mondays," "I Won't Last a Day Without You". Collaboró tempranamente con Roger Nichols ("Someday Man").

Ye un artista completu, actor, cantante, compositor y arreglista, el so llabor non solo cinxir al mercáu discográficu, sinón tamién a tol mundu de la música y l'actuación. Foi creador de cantares pa shows y series de televisión, amás d'ambicioses bandes sonores, foi'l compositor de la banda sonora del filme de cultu La pantasma del paraísu (1974) de Brian de Palma, onde amás ye'l villanu de la película'l malváu "Swan", tamién canta delles temes.

En 1977 llévose'l óscar xunto a Barbra Streisand pola composición conxunta del cantar "Evergreen" la tema d'amor de la película "Naz una estrella" (1976)

Dende mediaos de los años 70' hasta empiezos de los 80', ye un asiduo convidáu nes mas conocíes series de tv, de la dómina.

Como cantautor

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Grabaciones esitoses

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  • "(Just An) Old Fashioned Love Song" (from "An Old Fashioned Love Song" [1971])
  • "Bitter Honey" (from "The Holy Mackerel" [1969])
  • "Don't Call It Love" (from "Ordinary Fool" [1975])
  • "Evergreen (Love Theme from A Star Is Born)" (from "Classics" [1977])
  • "The Family of Man" (from "A Little Bit Of Love" [1974])
  • "Faust" (from "Phantom of the Paradise" [1974])
  • "Flash" (from "Ordinary Fool" [1975])
  • "For Goodness Sake" (from "A Little On The Windy Side" [1979])
  • "The Hell of It" (from "Phantom of the Paradise" [1974])
  • "Here's Another Fine Mess" (from "A Little On The Windy Side" [1979])
  • "If We Could Still Be Friends" (from "Here Comes Inspiration" [1974])
  • "I Won't Last a Day Without You" (from "Life Goes On" [1972])
  • "Let Me Be the One" (from "An Old Fashioned Love Song" [1971])
  • "A Little Bit of Love" (from "A Little Bit Of Love" [1974])
  • "Loneliness" (from "A Little Bit Of Love" [1974])
  • "Ordinary Fool" (from "Ordinary Fool" [1975])
  • "Out in the Country" (from "Life Goes On" [1972])
  • "Rainy Days and Mondays" (from "Here Comes Inspiration" [1974])
  • "Sad Song (That Used to Be Our Song)"
  • "Save M'a Dream" (from "A Little on the Windy Side" [1979])*
  • "Someday Man" (from "Someday Man" [1970])
  • "To Put Up with You" (from "Someday Man" [1970])
  • "Trust" (from "Someday Man" [1970])
  • "Waking Up Alone" (from "Classics" [1977])
  • "We've Only Just Begun" (from "An Old Fashioned Love Song" [1971])
  • "When I Was All Alone" (from "An Old Fashioned Love Song" [1971])
  • "You and Me Against the World"(from "Here Comes Inspiration" [1974])
  • "Touch (cantar) (collaboración con Daft Punk) [2013]
  • "Beyond (collaboración con Daft Punk) [2013]

Cantares esitosos

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Paul Williams nuna fiesta en 1976.

Música de películes

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Música pa teatru

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Como actor

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  1. Afirmao en: Internet Broadway Database. Identificador de persona d'Internet Broadway Database: 508357. Apaez como: Paul Williams. Data de consulta: 9 ochobre 2017. Llingua de la obra o nome: inglés.
  2. Biografía de Paul Williams (inglés)

Enllaces esternos

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