Idioma de Goguryeo
고구려어 | |
Faláu en | |
Faláu en | Goguryeo |
Númberu de falantes | |
Datos | |
Familia | llingües coreániques |
Sistema d'escritura | valor desconocíu |
Códigos | |
ISO 639-3 | zkg |
![]() |
L'idioma de Goguryeo foi faláu nel antiguu reinu de Goguryeo (37 BC – AD 668), unu de los Tres Reinos de Corea. Esta llingua conozse tamién como goguryeo o Goguryano.
[editar | editar la fonte]Esisten delles hipótesis sobre la clasificación de la llingua, pero toos elles son aldericaes y considérase un problema abiertu.[1]
La llingua namái se conoz por unes poques pallabres, la mayoría de les cualos suxeren que se trata d'una llingua emparentada col Silla ya influyida de la mesma poles llingües tunguses. Otros autores partidarios de la hipótesis altaica suelen clasificar a la llingua de Goguryeo dientro de la familia altaica. La mayoría d'especialistes koreanos consideren que la llingua de Goguryeo taba emparentada coles llingües altaiques. Amás atopáronse fuertes similaridades ente les llingües falaes en Baekje y en Goguryeo, lo cual ye consistente coles lleendes que describen Baekje como un reinu fundáu polos fíos del fundador del reinu de Goguryeo. Los nomes en Goguryano pa diversos puestos de l'alministración son en gran midida similares a los de Baekje y Silla.
Llingües fuyu
[editar | editar la fonte]Dellos autores propunxeron la llamada familia fuyu qu'incluyiría a les llingües de los estaos de Buyeo, Goguryeo, Baekje según el xaponés antiguu. Los documentos chinos suxeren que les llingües de Goguryeo, Buyeo, Okjeo oriental y Gojoseon yeren similares, anque la llingua de Goguryeo difería significantivamente de la de Malgal (Mohe). Dellos autores indiquen que los idiomes de Goguryeo, Baekje y Silla, similares ente sigo (posiblemente dialeutos) podríen ser antecesores del idioma coreanu. Otros sostienen que sería antecesor del idioma xaponés. [2][3][4]
Comparanza léxica
[editar | editar la fonte]Del idioma de Goguryeo apenes se conoz. Tan solo hai disponible una llista de topónimos y pallabres, de les cualos la so pronunciación tampoco se conoz con exactitú. La tabla siguiente compara la pronunciación figurada de dichos términos, con otros idiomes orientales:
Términu | Goguryeo | Llingües túrquiques | Mongol | Xaponés antiguu | Xaponés | Baekje | Silla | Coreanu mediu | Coreanu | Idiomes tunguses | Jurchen | Manchú | Evenki |
君主 | kʌi / kai(皆) kai-sɐ(皆次) |
qaγan(可汗) kagan |
kaγan(可汗) | ki1el mio1("king, emperor, monarch") | kimi("you") | ka(瑕) kisi(吉支) nirimɯ(君) |
kan(干) kɯm(今) kahan |
kɯi긔(王) nim kɯm |
nim kɯm |
*** | *** | han | *** |
善射 | jumong,chumo (朱蒙,鄒牟) |
*** | jəmə("noted bow"), Jobe-Mergen |
tomo("shooter's tool") tomu("friend, follower") tama("excellent,important,soul") tuma("tip") |
tomoe(emblem of tomu) tomu- tama tsume("nail,claw") |
*** | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** | jolin-manga , julil-muəl(卓琳莽阿) |
*** |
金 | so(蘇) sol(召尸, silver) |
*** | *** | *** | *** | so (所) |
so 素 ("gold") | *** | sö("metal") söh 쇳 |
*** | *** | sele("iron") šun("sun") |
sigūn("sun") |
鉛 | nəi-miuət/namer (乃勿) |
*** | *** | namari | namari | *** | *** | *namɔr | nap/납 | *** | *** | *** | *** |
復舊土 | ta mul(多勿) | *** | *** | tabi (度:time; whenever) | tabi/tambi | tamlo | *** | *** | taɕi ("again") tø- ("re-") tam |
*** | *** | tabu-(to divide,to tear) | *** |
北(背後) | je(提) jwat(絶) 椽那部,提那部,絶奴部,後部 |
arka("back") | hoina (布里亚特语 huainə) utara umara |
tʃy("back") | se("back,height") | *** | *** | tuih | tui ("back, behind") |
xama | *** | amargi amasi("back") |
*** |
南(前方) | kuan(灌) (灌奴部) |
kuzey,Ön(front) | *** | kaɸo("face") kan-(予:"pre-") |
kao("look, face") kana-(叶:to serve,to get one's wish) |
久知下(kujiha) | *** | *** | kət("surface, look") | *** | *** | julergi | *** |
東(左) | źwən,sun(順), (順奴部) |
doğo,sol(left) | źeü , źegün |
a-dʒuma/a-duma("east") | azuma | 得安(dɯkan) | *** | *** | ön("left") sae("east") |
źun | *** | dergi | jun jəgin("left") |
西(右) | yən (涓), (涓奴部) |
batı | ürüne , barun |
yo-(善:"good") yá-(否:"non,foul") |
yo-/i-("good,correct,suitable,agreeable") iya/yá-(disagreeable) |
*** | *** | *** | orɯn("right") parɯn("right") hanɯi(west) |
xangid | *** | wargi | anŋū(right) |
石 | *** | taš | cilaɣo(n) (古蒙古语) culuu (喀尔喀蒙古) šuluu(n) (布里亚特语) |
isi | ishi | turak(珍惡) | *** | tōlh | tōl | *** | *** | tahan("steppingstones") | *** |
巌,峴,岑 | pa-・ιəi,pua-・ιəi*pàI,pa'i /pua-斤ei,*paxe 巴衣,波衣,波兮 |
*** | *** | iɸa / iɸaɸo (probably unrelated) |
iwao ("great rock, bedrock") | *** | *** | pahoy(巌)巴衣,바회 | pawi | pax(石・崖) (尼夫赫语) |
*** | wehe | *** |
土地 | non 内/奴~弩/悩 nori 奴閭 |
*** | ńurū | nu/non(野"land") | non | non | nu¨~nu¨ri/nε (世) | *** | nuri | na (土地) | na | na(土地),noro(-n) | *** |
國 | (nua) > na / non 內,那,奴,惱 ra(羅) |
ili | ulus(<*hulu-s<* bulu-s) | nu/na(奴) | *** | puri (夫里) | *** | narah | nara | guru-n(< * buru-n) | guru-n(< * buru-n) | gurun | *** |
城 | hol / holo (忽) kuru / kolo (溝婁,屈, 骨) |
qol-γan | küri-yen 'fence, hedge, device',/qol-γan | koɸori (郡) | kōri | *** | *** | *** | koɯl (邑, 郡) kol |
kur ~kur ~kuran | *** | kuran~ kuren (城, 柵:"castle, citadl") golo(省:province) |
*** |
中 | kabəl 加火 | *** | *** | kaɸis-("middle, help") kaɸi("egg,result,worth") |
kais- kai |
*** | *** | kaβɔn 가ㅸㄴ |
kaun(-de) -gaus/-aus 가웃/아웃("half") |
*** | *** | *** | *** |
最大 | māk (莫) ma(馬) makhara(莫何邏) 莫何邏繡支,莫何何羅支 |
*** | *** | ma-(prefix to mean "real/great/true/perfect") makana-(truly beloved) |
ma- | ma | *** | *** | mal-말 mad 맏("first;eldest;oldest") |
maŋga ("strong") | *** | maŋga ("difficult; tough, strong; somewhat more, somewhat better") | maŋa ("strong") |
主事者 | makhaharaji (莫何何羅支/太大兄) ~ji("guy") |
*** | *** | ma- kakaɸo-(undertake, be under orders,hold)>*kagaɸo- toto/titi(father) dʒidʒi("old guy,grandfather") |
ma- kakaer-(hold) clica jiji/ji- |
*** | kakgan (角干) |
mad hal- ~ji("guy") |
mad hal- ~ji("guy") |
*** | *** | *** | *** |
首領 | makli-ji(莫離支) ~ji("guy") |
baš(head) | *** | ma- kur-i("to command, to manage") dʒi("old guy,grandfather") |
ma- kuri-(繰) ji |
*** | malip-kan(麻立干) hasə(河西) (mari) |
maruha(瑪樓下,抹樓下) |
məri(head) ~ji("guy") maru("ridge") |
*** | *** | *** | *** |
峰 | süni (首泥) | *** | *** | so1ra ("sky; tip, top, above (the trees, etc.)") | sora("sky") | *** | *** | sunɯrk 수늙 | suri 수리 ("top of the head") | *** | *** | šun("sun") sukdun("air") |
*** |
高 | dat/§ap (or tar) (達) |
*** | *** | taka-/daka-("high") | taka-/daka | 達率 | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** | dean ("high") dekde- ("to rise") |
*** |
山 | tara / tal (達) |
taγ("mountain") | aɣula(n) (古蒙古语) ūl (喀尔喀蒙古) ūla (布里亚特语) aulə(达斡尔语) |
tara(多羅) yama(山)/mure(山)/mori(森) |
yama | *** | 督 tɔrɔ(山), tara(多禮,多羅) (土地) |
moyh(山) | me-뫼 tang,tal(土地) tuk(丘) orɯm (济州方言) |
*** | *** | alin balta(田地) mulu("ridge of mountain") |
*** |
堤 | el to (吐) |
töpü | *** | take2(岳) tutu-el mio tum-(to stack,to pile,to gather) |
take tsutsumi tsum- |
*** | *** | *** | 언덕 əntək 둑 tuk(堤) |
*** | *** | do-("to stop") | *** |
樹木 | kιənul / naro? (斤乙) |
i¨("forest")/i¨γac(树) | *** | ki2 / ke2 ~ ko2kunu-ki(a kind of oak) | ki kunu-gi |
*** | *** | 斤:nal(訓)/kɯn근 | kɯru 그루 ("stump; unit for counting trees") namu 나무 (树、树木) |
*** | *** | *** | *** |
水 | el mio (米) mai,mie,moru(買,模盧) |
*** | mören(江, 海) müren (沐漣) /moron (木連) (Khitanese) |
el mio1du/el mio1/el mio1n- | mizu | el mio(彌) | *** | mɨl | mul | mu | mu 沒 | muke | mū("water") |
泉(井) | əɯl(於乙):井 iri(伊梨):泉 |
bul-a-q/bul-a-γ(喷泉、泉水) | ɯs (水"water") | wi (井、水库、灌溉水塘) | i | *** | ɯl(乙) | umɯl ("well") | umul ("well") | eri~erri(小河、川) (尼夫赫语) |
*** | üla (大河、江) | *** |
池沼 | nemi / naymi (内米) |
*** | namug ("marsh, swamp") | ? nami1 ("wave") | nami | el mio(r)ji (蜜地,彌知) |
*** | *** | ? nɛnmul ("stream") mos 못 ("pond") nɯpʰ 늪 ("swamp") |
namu, lamu ("sía, ocean; lake" 海) | *** | mūsa ("swamp") | *** |
河 | kur(屈) na(那) |
köl("lake") | *** | kaɸa | kawa | nari(那利) 久麻那利 |
*** | kɔrɔm 가람 nāyh 냏,내 |
karam 가람 nɛː 내 |
*** | *** | ula | *** |
海 | padal (波旦) |
*** | *** | wata | wada-tsu-el mio("The god of Sía") | *** | 波珍 padɔl | padah~parʌl | pada 바다 | *** | namu | namu | *** |
口 | huət-ts‘ii/ku ërtsi/k útsi< *kutui, >* kolci/ko-ts‘ii (忽次/古次/串) |
*** | 훌츠qurc(喀尔喀蒙古)("skewer, spit" 串) | kutu~kuti/kuti < *kutui | kuchi | *** | *** | koj 곶 ("skewer, spit; promontory" 串) | kulrε (Jeju dialect) kul (South Jeolla dialect) |
*** | *** | *** | *** |
進入 | ・ιi/*i (伊) |
*** | ire- 来 |
dir- 进入 | dir- | *** | *** | ip(口)/ip(門戸) | dir-(to arrive; to come) ip |
i-(入) | *** | ibe-("to get foward") | *** |
新 | ʃιəo/*sü 首 |
*** | *** | zu("new, present, developing,a gleam") suga-("fresh") |
suga-suga-s- | *** | say | say (새) | sɛ | *** | iche | ice | *** |
牛 | ʃιəo/*sü 首 |
*** | *** | usi | ushi | *** | *** | ʃyo/쇼 | so | *** | *** | exa("castrated cow") | *** |
豬 | o-sie/o-s^i¨ʌŋ 烏斯/烏生 |
*doŋuz > domuz | *** | usi ("ox; cattle") wi ("swine") |
*** | *tɕo-nʲi (猪耳) |
*** | totʰ 돝 | twɛːji, toyaji(dialect), tochi(dialect) | *** | *** | ulgiyan("pig") ulha("domestic animal") |
*** |
鹿 | kosya (古斯也) |
*** | *** | kuzika | shika | *** | *** | *** | korani 고라니 ("Manchurian elk") kōrɛŋi, korɛi (Gyeongsang dialect) |
*** | *** | kandahan ("a kind of deer") | *** |
馬 | *** | *** | mori~muri | uma~muma | uma | *** | *** | mʌl/(馬) | mal | mori (Nanai) |
*** | morin | *** |
斧 | ・ιo-sie , nərə-si (於斯) |
*** | *** | wono2 | ono | *** | *** | *odzgɔy (烏子蓋) ("ax") nɔlh 날ㅎ ("blade") |
nal (칼)날 ("blade") nas ("sickle; scythe") tōkki ("ax") |
*** | *** | anjikū ("hatchet") | *** |
廣 | nərə-si, ə-si, (於斯) |
*** | osy/esy 阿斯(寬大:gererous, tolerant) nalai |
naras-o("roll,to level off") vos-o("transcend, surpass") y-si("right,wide,noble,enough") |
naras-o("to level off") vos-o("to transcend, to press, to push") |
*** | *** | 어위 (< *어쉬) | nəlbɯn 넓은 nəlb nərɯn |
*** | očo 我撮(寬) | ončo(廣:wast) | *** |
翼 | nərəgi əji(於支) |
*älig > el ("hand") | *** | tadamgi(arm) atʃi(foot,walk,rain,money) |
ashi | *** | *** | nʌlgɛ | narɛ, nalgɛ 날개 | *** | *** | asχa | *** |
横 | ・ιo-sie/*ye (於斯) |
*** | *** | yo2ko2(横)/yo2k-(避) | yoko/yokeru | *** | *** | əs/엇 | əs | *** | *** | *** | *** |
谷 | tan/el toən/t‘ən (旦,頓,呑) |
*** | *** | tani | tani | *** | *** | tʌn~el toʌn("village", 村) | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** |
榖 | ninəŋ-biuʌt 仍伐 |
*** | *** | ina-ɸo("ear of rice") mi2("fruit, seed, grain") nebar-("stickiness of rice") |
inaho nebar- |
*** | *** | pyə("rice plant; unhulled rice") | nuy("grains of unhulled rice amongst hulled rice") | *** | *** | *** | *** |
粗 | kuət-・ιəi (骨衣) |
*** | *** | kata-("tough,firm") | katai("tough,stiff") | *** | ka¨cʰɔ¨l | kəcʰɯl- (荒) | kəchil- kud- |
*** | *** | kata-("to become hard, to become rough") | *** |
耕 | ka-ʃιi (加尸) |
kerci-("to cut, to dig trenches") | *** | kar-("to plow") | kar- | *** | *** | karai(木[木+欠]・鍬, kal-(plow) kal(刀) |
kal- | gerbe-("break, snap") (Nanai) |
*** | halhan(犂先)/halhan~halgan(犂[金+華]) | gerbe-("break, snap") |
邊 | ka-(・a) (加阿) |
kera | *** | hai("edge, blade")kari("edge") | hai kari |
*** | *** | kʌs | kā | *** | *** | kaja-("to cut") huwesi-("cutter, small blade") |
*** |
圓 | toŋ-pιoəi (冬非) |
*** | *** | tubura(丸)/maro(丸:"round") | tsubura | *** | *** | el toŋgɯl-(圓) | el toŋgɯl-(圓} | *** | *** | torho-("to roll,to circle") | *** |
丸 | anʃi, anʒip, ɣwando (安市,安十,丸都) |
*** | ənduhə (达斡尔语) | azi("reason,value") | aji(taste) | *** | *** | *** | al 알 | (x)elū- | *** | umhan muheren |
elū |
足 | tor (廻) | *** | *** | tar-(足る:"enough,last,to reach") | tarir- | *** | *** | tʌri | tari 다리 | *** | *** | juru(numberal for something pair up) | *** |
毛 | tʰjʌr (鐵) | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** | tʌri | tʰʌr 털 | *** | *** | *** | *** |
重 | biar/bιεt (別) |
*** | *** | ɸy | *** | *** | *** | pʌl | *** | *** | *** | fe("ex-, past, former") | *** |
松 | pιo-sie/pιo-so (扶蘇/扶蘇) |
*** | *** | matu | matsu | bu(扶,負) so(蘇) |
*** | sol(松)/pos(樺) | sol,sonamu,so | *** | *** | bahiya("pine cone") | *** |
深 | bιuk-sie/puk (伏斯) |
*** | *** | ɸuka-si/puka- | fuka- | *** | *** | kiph o·n | kiph- puk ("deeply") |
*** | *** | *** | *** |
狌 | yia-ʃιi (也尸) |
*** | *** | itatʃi(weasel) | itachi(weasel) | *** | *** | yezï ~ yezɣ- ("fox") |
yəo ("fox") 여시yəsi(dialect) |
*** | *** | *** | *** |
隣 | ιi-bιoʌt (伊伐) |
*** | *** | iɸa("residences") iɸa-udo/iɸa-ɸito("family,genealogy") iɸawi/iɸewi("domiciles,houses") |
i-ba-sho("one's whereabouts" sho is a loan word) | *** | *** | *** | iut (隣) | *** | *** | imiya-("to gather togather") | *** |
霜 | sat (薩) |
*** | *** | sai, see, zai, zae (dialeutal Japanese words for "icicle" or "ice on the branches of trees or on the surface of a body of water") |
*** | *** | *** | səri | səri | *** | *** | juhe | *** |
菁 | ka-tʃιy (加支) |
*** | *** | kati/katʃin(brown/lush),katute(in the past) | katʃte | *** | *** | *** | kəch-(蕪) kis- ("lush, overgrown with weeds, overrun with plants") |
*** | *** | *** | *** |
鵠 | ko-・ιəi (古衣) |
qoγo | *** | kukuɸi1~kubi1("swan") | kukui/kugui("swan") | *** | *** | kohay kon |
koni | *** | *** | gaha("bird, raven") gasha("big bird") |
*** |
群落 | ul (于尸) | uruk ("cla") | ulus ("people, nation, tribe, horde") | udi ("cla, family; the standing of one's family, the social status of one's family, lineage, birth; surname") | uchi("me, home, family") | *** | *** | ul("relations; relatives; kinsfolk; cla") uri ("we, us; the Korean people, Koreans") |
*** | *** | *** | urse ("people") uce("entrance") |
*** |
牙 | kʌi-ʃιi (皆尸) |
*** | *** | ki1 ("fang; tusk") | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** |
平 | pii-lιεt (比烈) |
biri | *** | ɸi1ra-(比良:flat,level) taira("flat") |
hirata- taira |
*** | *** | *** | pʌl | *** | *** | ba("field, district") pile-("to confirm, to criticize") tehere-("to flat, to be equal") |
*** |
母親 | yá chi (也次) |
Ana | *** | ɸaɸa("mother")/oya("parent") | haha, oya | *** | *** | əzi |
어미əel mio 아매,에마 ame,ema(north dialect) |
*** | eniyen | a ja | *** |
嬰兒 | gιəo-sie / kus / kyus (仇斯) |
koto(儿子,匈奴語) kız (女孩、女儿) O'gul |
*** | ko1 (子) | kodomo | *** | *** | *** | koma(童) koma-(小-) |
*** | omo | jui("kid") | kuŋa ("child") |
熊 | komok (功木) |
*** | *** | kuma | kuma | koma | *** | kom | kōm | *** | *** | *** | *** |
兔 | o-sie-həm (烏斯含) |
tawïsγan | *** | usagi1 / wosagi1 | usagi | *** | *** | thos-gi 톳기 | tho-ggi 토끼 | *** | *** | *** | *** |
見面 | pʌk/*pak (伯) |
bak-("to see, to look; to find") | *** | mak-(設:"to obtain,to prepare,to make") ɸak-(別:"to see, to know,to understand")>*wakar- ɸakar-(諮・計:"to consult,to talk, to obtain") |
mōker- wakar- hakar- |
*** | *** | poizʌp- ("to humbly show oneself, to meet (an honored person)") | po-("to see, to look")/ poyp-("to have an audience with, to meet (an honored person)") pak |
*** | baka- ("to look for, to seek, to search") | baha-("to get, to obtain") | baka-("to find") |
難 | ma (馬) |
*** | *** | ma- ("truely, really") | ma- | *** | *** | modir- | mōjir- ("harsh; severe; cruel") | *** | manga(難:hard) | maŋga(堅、難"hard") | maŋa |
心/胸 | kιo-sιi (居尸) |
göğüs | kökün | ko2ko2ro2("heart")/koro("oneself") | kokoro | *** | *** | *** | kogäŋi (核心)/ kesʰɯm (胸、心) | *** | *** | huhun (乳、乳房) | *** |
韮 | mai-tʃιi (買尸) |
*** | maŋgirsun(野蒜) | el mio1ra(韮) | nira ("garlic chives") | *** | *** | manʌl (蒜) |
manɯl | *** | *** | maca ("garlic chives") | *** |
根 | tsʌm (斬) |
*** | *** | tukene("root,knot,joint") | tʃukene | *** | pul?(根) | pulhuy(根) | ppuri | tʃamγ(根株) (尼夫赫语) |
*** | da | *** |
文 | kɯl/kιən-ʃιi (斤尸) |
*** | *** | kak-(to write) kuk-/*kurum-(to collect, to form,to bind) ko2to2("word, speech, language") |
kak- kukur-/kurum- koto |
*** | *** | kɯl | kɯl | *** | herse | hergen | *** |
玉 | ko-ʃie (古斯) |
*** | gas | kusiro2("bracelet") | kushiro | *** | *** | kusɯl ("jewel") | kusɯl | *** | γun | gu | *** |
孔 | dzei〈tsei〉-ts‘ii 斉次/濟次 |
*** | *** | tʃuk-(透), tʃuki(隙) | suki ("chink, gap, vulnerable point") | *** | *** | *** | t'ul-(透), tɯm(隙)*** | *** | *** | *** | *** |
穴 | kap,kap-pii 甲,甲比 |
qapca("gorge, ravine"), qapi¨γ("Gate") | *** | kaɸi1 ("gorge, strait, narrow valley") | kubomi | *** | *** | *** | kul (穴) | *** | *** | *** | *** |
三 | mir, mil (密) siet/s^ïei (悉/史) |
bis(5) | gurav | el mio1 | el mio | *** | mil | sei/səih | 셋 sʰet̚ | *** | ilan | ilan | *** |
五 | ütsi,uci,üc, uca,uchha (于次,弓次) |
üç(3) | tabun | itu | itsu | *** | *** | tasul (打戌) | tasət 닷 tah |
dügün | sunja | sunja | *** |
七 | nan-・ιən, nanən,nanun, nanin (難隠) |
Yeti | *** | añada | añada | *** | *** | (n)ìlgɯp(一急) | (n)ìlgúp | naden | naden | naden | *** |
十 | tək,duk (德) |
on toquz(9) |
arav | to2/to2wo | tō- | *** | *** | *** | 열 yəl(10) 온on(100) 즈믄chɯmun(1000) |
juwa | juwan | juwan | ʒuwan |
黑 | *kəmər, kəmhək (今勿) |
Qara | *** | kuro1 | kuro | *** | *** | kəm-/검- | 검 kʌm | *** | *** | kara | *** |
白 | nə γei ʃιi-lap (奈兮 / 尸臘) |
Aq | *** | sira(白) | shiro | *** | *** | hʌy-(白) | hʌy- hin hayan |
*** | *** | šara-("to become white") šeyen("white") šanggiyan("white") |
*** |
紅 | s^a-bιuk s^a-pιoəi-kιən sa(i)puk, sa(i)pikon sapi 沙伏, 沙非斤 |
Qyzyl | *hulaɣan > ulaan | so2ɸo<*so2po/so2ɸo(赭,朱)/sa(接頭語) | *** | supi(赤鳥) | sapi(泗沘) | sitpɯk(赤) | 붉은pulgɯn 시뻘건sippəlgən("deep rede") seppəlgən bug(bulg) |
*** | *** | fulgiyan | *** |
黃 | kweyru/kuət | *** | *** | ki2-~ kú- | ki(iro) | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** | *** | suwayan | *** |
綠 | puruk/bιoʌt-lιək (伐力) |
*** | *** | mido | midori | *** | *** | phɯrɯn ("blue, green") | pharan phurɯn ("blue, green") parah |
*** | *** | *** | *** |
Ver tamién
[editar | editar la fonte]Referencies
[editar | editar la fonte]Notes
[editar | editar la fonte]- ↑ «Journal of Inner and East Asian Studies, 2, December 2005». Archiváu dende l'orixinal, el 2009-02-26.
- ↑ Fan Ye, Book of the Later Han, volume 85; the Dongyi Liezhuan
- ↑ Wei Shou, Book of Wei, volume 100; the Liezhuan 88, the Wuji
- ↑ Li Dashi, History of Northern Dynasties, volume 94; the Liezhuan 82, the Wuji
[editar | editar la fonte]- Beckwith, C. I. (2004). Koguryo, the language of Japan's continental relatives: an introduction to the historical-comparative study of the Japanese Koguryoic languages with a preliminary description of Archaic northeastern Middle Chinese. Brill's Japanese studies library, v. 21. Boston: Brill. ISBN 90-04-13949-4
- Beckwith (2006). "Methodological Observations on Some Recent Studies of the Early Ethnolinguistic History of Korea and Vicinity." Altai Hakpo 2006, 16: 199-234.
- Beckwith (2006). "The Ethnolinguistic History of the Early Korean Peninsula Region: Japanese-Koguryoic and Other Languages in the Koguryo, Paekche, and Silla Kingdoms." Journal of Inner and East Asian Studies, 2006, Vol. 2-2: 34-64.
- Beckwith (2007): Koguryo, the Language of Japan's Continental Relatives: An Introduction to the Historical-Comparative Study of the Japanese-Koguryoic Languages, with a Preliminary Description of Archaic Northeastern Middle Chinese. Brill Academic Publishers, 2004. ISBN 90-04-13949-4. Second edition, 2007. ISBN 90-04-16025-5
- (enllaz rotu disponible n'Internet Archive; ver l'historial y la última versión).
Enllaces esternos
[editar | editar la fonte]Xaponés
[editar | editar la fonte]- 娜々志娑无のぺぇじ
- 高句麗語の研究を勉強する (enllaz rotu disponible n'Internet Archive; ver l'historial y la última versión).
[editar | editar la fonte]- The Language(s) of Goguryeo - Journal of Inner and East Asian Studies Archiváu 2009-02-26 en Wayback Machine