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Movimientu polos derechos civiles

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Martin Luther King y otros líderes polos derechos civiles frente a la estatua d'Abraham Lincoln, 28 d'agostu, 1963.

Históricamente, la espresión Movimientu polos derechos civiles fai referencia a un ampliu conxuntu d'actividaes sociales que, desenvueltes en tol mundu mientres el periodu averáu que va de 1954 a 1980, tuvieron empuestes a solicitar y promover determinaos derechos civiles básicos (fundamentalmente, el de la igualdá de tolos ciudadanos ante la llei). El procesu, que portó l'apaición de numberosos casos de rebelión popular ante'l poder establecíu, foi llargu, complexu y conflictivu en dellos países, con resultancies diverxentes ente ellos.

La manifestación más conocida del Movimientu polos derechos civiles, y qu'en munches ocasiones emplégase como sinónimu del mesmu, foi'l procesu de reclamación y adquisición de la igualdá ente negros y blancos n'Estaos Xuníos.

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  • Manfred Berg and Martin H. Geyer; Two Cultures of Rights: The Quest for Inclusion and Participation in Modern America and Germany Cambridge University Press, 2002
  • Jack Donnelly and Rhoda Y. Howard; International Handbook of Human Rights Greenwood Press, 1987
  • David P. Forsythe; Human Rights in the New Europe: Problems and Progress University of Nebraska Press, 1994
  • Joe Foweraker and Todd Landman; Citizenship Rights and Social Movements: A Comparative and Statistical Analysis Oxford University Press, 1997
  • Mervyn Frost; Constituting Human Rights: Global Civil Society and the Society of Democratic States Routledge, 2002
  • Marc Galanter; Competing Equalities: Law and the Backward Classes in India University of California Press, 1984
  • Raymond D. Gastil and Leonard R. Sussman, eds.; Freedom in the World: Political Rights and Civil Liberties, 1986-1987 Greenwood Press, 1987
  • David Harris and Sarah Joseph; The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and United Kingdom Law Clarendon Press, 1995
  • Steven Kasher; The Civil Rights Movement: A Photographic History (1954–1968) Abbeville Publishing Group, 2000
  • Francesca Klug, Keir Starmer, Stuart Weir; The Three Pillars of Liberty: Political Rights and Freedoms in the United Kingdom Routledge, 1996
  • Fernando Santos-Granero and Frederica Barclay; Tamed Frontiers: Economy, Society, and Civil Rights in Upper Amazonia Westview Press, 2000
  • Paul N. Smith; Feminism and the Third Republic: Women's Political and Civil Rights in France, 1918-1940 Clarendon Press, 1996
  • Jorge M. Valadez; Deliberative Democracy: Political Legitimacy and Self-Determination in Multicultural Societies Westview Press, 2000

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