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Tom Santschi

19-01-2023 15:31
De Wikipedia
Tom Santschi
Nacimientu Crystal City24 d'ochobre de 1880
Nacionalidá Bandera de Estaos Xuníos d'América Estaos Xuníos
Llingua materna inglés
Muerte Los Angeles9 d'abril de 1931[1] (50 años)
Sepultura Hollywood Forever Cemetery (es) Traducir
Causa de la muerte infartu de miocardiu
Llingües falaes inglés
Oficiu direutor de cine, actor, actor de teatru, guionistaactor de cine
IMDb nm0764346
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Tom Santschi (24 d'ochobre de 1880Crystal City – 9 d'abril de 1931Los Angeles)[2] foi un actor y direutor cinematográficu d'Estaos Xuníos, activu na dómina del cine mudu.


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El so verdaderu nome yera Paul William Santschi, y nació en Cristal City, Missouri, anque delles fontes afirmen que nació en Suiza. Dende 1908 a 1931, Santschi actuó en más de 300 filmes, y dirixó percima de los 50 dende 1910 a 1916.

Santschi morrió en 1931, mientres dormía, en Los Angeles, California, por causa de hipertensión arterial y un ataque al corazón . Tenía 52 años d'edá. Foi soterráu nel Campusantu Hollywood Forever. Na llábana lléese 1880 como'l so añu de nacencia.

Filmografía (seleición)

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Role Notes
1909 Fighting Bob [3]:81
1909 Country Girl's Peril, AA Country Girl's Peril [3]:81
1909 Heart of a Race Tout, TheThe Heart of a Race Tout [4][3]:82
1909 In the Sultan's Power [5]
1909 Mephisto and the Maiden [5]
1909 Ben's Kid [6]
1909 On the Border [4]
1909 Up San Juan Hill [4]
1909 Faust [4]
1910 Across the Plains [4]
1910 Davy Crockett [4]
1910 Mazeppa [4]
1910 The Sergeant [5]
1910 Pride of the Range [7]
1911 Kit Carson's Wooing [4]
1911 Heart of John Barlow, TheThe Heart of John Barlow [4]
1912 Count of Monte Cristo, TheThe Count of Monte Cristo Danglars as William T. Santschi[4][8][9]
1912 Broken Spur, AA Broken Spur Ed Harvey [10]
1912 Crucial Test, AA Crucial Test Bill Wildern [11]
1912 Euchered Tom Saunders [12]
1913 Adventures of Kathlyn, TheThe Adventures of Kathlyn Bruce [5]
1913 Alas! Poor Yorick Hamlet McGinnis [13]
1913 In the Long Ago Indian Warrior
1913 Wamba, a Child of the Jungle Portuguese Pete [14]
1914 Spoilers, TheThe Spoilers Alex McNamara [5]
1915 Lion's Mate, TheThe Lion's Mate Hamad [5]
1916 Crisis, TheThe Crisis Stephen Brice [5]
1916 Country That God Forgot, TheThe Country That God Forgot Steve Brant [5]
1917 Beware of Strangers John Mentor [5]
1917 Who Shall Take My Life? "Big Bill" O'Shaughnessy [5]
1918 Hell Cat, TheThe Hell Cat Jim Dyke [5]
1918 The City of Purple Dreams Daniel Fitzhugh, the derelict [5]
1918 The Still Alarm Jack Manley [5]
1918 Little Orphant Annie Dave [5]
1919 The Love That Dares Perry Risdon
1919 The Railroader Clive Standish
1919 Stronger Vow, TheThe Stronger Vow Pedro Toral [5]
1919 Shadows Jack McGoff [5]
1919 Eve in Exile John Sheen [5]
1920 Sagebrush Musketeers Curtiu[15]
1921 Sheriff of the Mojave Curtiu[16]
1921 The Death Trap Curtiu[17]
1921 The Desert Wolf Curtiu[18]
1921 Lorraine of the Timberlands Curtiu
1921 Mother o' Dreams Curtiu
1921 The Honor of Rameriz Rameriz Curtiu[19]
1921 The Spirit of the Lake Curtiu[20]
1921 The Heart of Doreon Doreon Curtiu[21]
1921 The Secret of Butte Ridge Curtiu[22]
1922 Two Kinds of Women Bud Lee [5]
1923 Is Divorce a Failure? Smith [5]
1923 Thundering Dawn Gordon Van Brock [5]
1923 Tipped Off Dan Grogan
1924 Plunderer, TheThe Plunderer Bill Presbey [5]
1924 Little Robinson Crusoe Captain Dynes [5]
1925 Beyond the Border Nick Perdue [5]
1925 The Night Ship Captain Jed Hobbs
1925 Paths to Paradise Callahan [5]
1926 Siberia Alexis Vetkin
1926 My Own Pal August Deering [5]
1926 Her Honor, the Governor Richard Palmer [5]
1926 The Hidden Way Bill [5]
1926 3 Bad Men "Bull" Stanley [5]
1926 Jim the Conqueror Sam Black [5]
1926 Desert's Toll, TheThe Desert's Toll Jasper [5]
1926 Third Degree, TheThe Third Degree Daredevil Daly [5]
1926 No Man's Gold [5]
1927 When a Man Loves Captain of the convict boat [5]
1927 Tracked by the Police Sandy Sturgeon [5]
1927 The Adventurous Soul Captain Svenson
1927 Eyes of the Totem Philip La Rue [5]
1927 Old San Francisco Captain Stoner [5]
1927 Hills of Kentucky Ben Harley [5]
1928 Land of the Silver Fox Butch Nelson [5]
1928 The Law and the Man Dan Creedon
1928 Vultures of the Sea [23]
1929 In Old Arizona Cowpuncher [5]
1929 Wagon Master, TheThe Wagon Master Jake Lynch [5]
1930 River's End Shotwell [5]
1930 Utah Kid, TheThe Utah Kid Butch [5]
1931 Ten Nights in a Barroom Simon Slady [5]
1931 Phantom of the West, TheThe Phantom of the West Bud Landers
1931 King of the Wild Harris
Year Title Notes
1914 Caryl of the Mountains [4]
1915 Heart of Paro, TheThe Heart of Paro [4]
1915 Octopus, TheThe Octopus Also screenwriter[4]
1915 His Fighting Blood [4]
1915 Blood Seedling, TheThe Blood Seedling [4]
1915 Sultana of the Desert, AA Sultana of the Desert [4]
1915 Lion's Mate, TheThe Lion's Mate [5]


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  1. Afirmao en: Find a Grave. Identificador Find a Grave: 7929. Apaez como: Tom Santschi. Data de consulta: 9 ochobre 2017. Llingua de la obra o nome: inglés.
  2. Dase otra fecha, el 14 d'ochobre de 1878, na so ficha en IMDb
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 Erish, Andrew A.. University of Texas Press: Col. William N. Selig, The Man Who Invented Hollywood. ISBN 9780292754379.
  4. 4,00 4,01 4,02 4,03 4,04 4,05 4,06 4,07 4,08 4,09 4,10 4,11 4,12 4,13 4,14 4,15 Katz, Ephraim (1998). HarperPerennial: The Film Encyclopedia. ISBN 0-06-273492-X.
  5. 5,00 5,01 5,02 5,03 5,04 5,05 5,06 5,07 5,08 5,09 5,10 5,11 5,12 5,13 5,14 5,15 5,16 5,17 5,18 5,19 5,20 5,21 5,22 5,23 5,24 5,25 5,26 5,27 5,28 5,29 5,30 5,31 5,32 5,33 5,34 5,35 5,36 5,37 5,38 5,39 5,40 5,41 5,42 5,43 «Thomas Santschi». American Film Institute. Consultáu'l 2016-12-22.
  6. «Ben's Kid». Silent Era. Consultáu'l 2016-12-22.
  7. «Pride of the Range». Silent Era. Consultáu'l 2016-12-22.
  8. «The Count of Monte Cristo». Silent Era. Archiváu dende l'orixinal, el 2023-01-19. Consultáu'l 2016-12-22.
  9. «Monte Cristo». Internet Movie Database. Consultáu'l 2016-12-22.
  10. «Release flier for A Broken Spur». Margaret Herrick Library, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Consultáu'l 2016-12-22.
  11. «Release flier for A Crucial Test». Margaret Herrick Library, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Consultáu'l 2016-12-22.
  12. «Release flier for Euchered». Margaret Herrick Library, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Consultáu'l 2016-12-22.
  13. «Release flier for Alas! Poor Yorick». Margaret Herrick Library, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Consultáu'l 2016-12-22.
  14. «Press sheet for Wamba, a Child of the Jungle». Margaret Herrick Library, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Consultáu'l 2016-12-22.
  15. «Film Capital Production Notes». Camera!:  p. 4. November 13, 1920. 
  16. «Production Notes». Camera!:  p. 9. January 29, 1921. 
  17. «Cyrus J. Williams presents Tom Santschi in 'The Death Trap'». Motion Picture News:  p. 1808. March 5, 1921. 
  18. «Short Subject of Importance». Moving Picture World:  p. 513. April 2, 1921. 
  19. «Santschi Series». Moving Picture World:  p. 779. October 15, 1921. 
  20. «All Star Cast with Santschi». Moving Picture World:  p. 1062. October 29, 1921. 
  21. «Santschi Series». Motion Picture News:  p. 2313. October 29, 1921. 
  22. «Film Capital Production Notes». Camera!:  p. 4. June 4, 1921. 
  23. «Vultures of the Sea». Silent Era. Consultáu'l 2016-12-22.

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