Preliminary Catalogue of Anthophyta and Pteridophyta Reported as Growing Spontaneously within One Hundred Miles of New York

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Preliminary Catalogue of Anthophyta and Pteridophyta Reported as Growing Spontaneously within One Hundred Miles of New York
Categoría Botánica
Abreviatura Prelim. Cat.
Añu de fundación Espublizáu en 1888.
Editor Nathaniel Lord Britton, Emerson Ellick Sterns y Justus Ferdinand Poggenburg
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Preliminary Catalogue of Anthophyta and Pteridophyta Reported as Growing Spontaneously within One Hundred Miles of New York (embrivíu Prelim. Cat.)[1] ye un llibru con ilustraciones y descripciones botániques escritu conxuntamente por Nathaniel Lord Britton, Emerson Ellick Sterns y Justus Ferdinand Poggenburg y espublizáu nel añu 1888.

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