Meng Ling
Meng Ling![]() | |
Vida | |
Nacimientu | 1972 (52/53 años) |
Nacionalidá | china |
Estudios | |
Estudios | Universidá de California en Berkeley |
Oficiu | bióloga, química, botánica |
Emplegadores | Universidá de California en Berkeley |
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Ling Meng, Ph.D., (romanización de 孟玲) ( 1972) ye una profesora, y botánica china, nel Departament de Bioloxía vexetal y Microbioloxía (UC Berkeley) na Universidá de California en Berkeley.
Ye miembru posdoctoral de Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Ye conocida por afayar una manera orixinal de comunicación celular en plantes.[1] La tiorredoxina, mientres se conoz que xuega un papel importante nos procesos biolóxicos conocíos comúnmente como redox celular, nun s'entiende dafechu la so función. Ella trabayó, en Berkeley, suxiriendo que la tiorredoxina h9 ta acomuñada cola membrana plasmática y ye capaz de movese de célula en célula al traviés de dos importantes proteínes con cambeos post-traducíes, tales como: miristolación y palmitolación.[2] Ye la primera n'acomuñar y coneutar la tiorredoxina cola membrana plasmática.
En 2009, Meng recibió'l so M.A. en estadística pola Universidá de California en Berkeley. Y el so Ph.D. n'agricultura y química ambiental, en 2011 pola mesma casa d'altos estudios.
Tesis de maestría
[editar | editar la fonte]Meng, Ling (2009). University of California, Berkeley: Learning Algorithm and Model Selection for Protein-protein Interaction Inference in Arabidopsis. Consultáu'l 23 de xunetu de 2013.
Delles publicaciones
[editar | editar la fonte]- S; Wong, L; Meng, L; Lemaux, P. G. Zhang (2002) Similarity of expression pattern of KN1 and ZmLEC1 during somatic and zygotic embryogenesis in maize (Zea mays L.), 191-194. In Planta.
- Bregitzer P, Zhang S, Lemaux PG Meng L (2003) Methylation of the exon/intron region in Ubi 1 Promoter Complex correlates with transgene silencing in Barley, 327-340. In Plant Molecular Biology.
- Lemaux PG Meng L (2003) A rapid and simple method for nuclear run-on transcription assay in plants. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 65-71. In Plant Molecular Biology Reporter.
- Chen C, Li L, Meng L, Singh, J, He Zh, and Lemaux PG Zhang S (2005) Evolutionary Expansion, Gene Structure, and Expression of the Rice Wall-Associated Kinase Gene Family, 1107-1124. In Plant Physiology.
- Ziv M, Lemaux, PG Meng L (2006) Nature of Stress and Type of Transgene Locus Influences Tendency of Transgenes to Silence in Barley, 15-28. In Plant Mol Biol.
- S, Gurel, Y, Kaur, R, Wong, J, Meng L, Tan, H-Q, Lemaux, PG Gurel (2009) Efficient, Reproducible Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation of Sorghum Using Heat Treatment of Immature Embryos, 429-444. In Plant Cell Reports 28 (3).
- «A rapid TRIzol-based two-step method for DNA-free RNA extraction from Arabidopsis siliques and dry seeds». Biotechnology Journal 5 (2): páxs. 183–186. febreru de 2010. doi: . ISSN 1860-6768. PMID 20108272.
- «A membrane-associated thioredoxin required for plant growth moves from cell to cell, suggestive of a role in intercellular communication». PNAS (Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences) 107 (8): páxs. 3900–3905. 23 de febreru de 2010. doi: . ISSN 1091-6490. OCLC 60637487. PMID 20133584.
- «Toward Molecular Understanding of In vitro and In Planta Shoot Organogenesis». Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 29 (2): páxs. 108–122. March–April 2010. doi: . ISSN 0735-2689.
- «The Roles of Different CLE Domains in Arabidopsis CLE Polypeptide Activity and Functional Specificity». Molecular Plant (Oxford: Oxford Journals) 3 (4): páxs. 760–772. 21 de mayu de 2010. doi: . ISSN 1752-9867. OCLC 182552810. PMID 20494950. Archivado del original el 15 d'abril de 2013. Consultáu'l 26 de xunetu de 2011.
- «CLE14/CLE20 peptides may interact with CLAVATA2/CORYNE receptor-like kinases to irreversibly inhibit cell division in the root meristem of Arabidopsis». Planta (Springer Science+Business Media) 232 (5): páxs. 1061–1074. ochobre de 2010. doi: . ISSN 1432-2048. OCLC 39973170. PMID 20697738.
- «Comprehensive Analysis of CLE Polypeptide Signaling Gene Expression and Overexpression Activity in Arabidopsis». Plant physiology 154 (4): páxs. 1721–1736. December 2010. doi: . OCLC 1642351. PMID 20884811. PMC 2996011.
- «CLE xenes may act in a variety of tissues/cells and involve other signaling cascades in addition to CLV3-WUS-like pathways». Plant Signaling & Behavior 6 (1): páxs. 105–108. 1 de xineru de 2011. doi: . ISSN 1559-2316. PMID 21270538.
- «A Putative Nuclear CLE-Like (CLEL) Peptide Precursor Regulates Root Growth in Arabidopsis». Molecular Plant (Oxford: Oxford Journals) 5 (4): páxs. 955–957. July 2012. doi: . ISSN 1674-2052. OCLC 182552810. PMID 22815541.
Ver tamién
[editar | editar la fonte]Referencies
[editar | editar la fonte]- ↑ «H Ekkehard Neuhaus: Faculty of 1000 Biology».
- ↑ «A membrane-associated thioredoxin required for plant growth moves from cell to cell, suggestive of a role in intercellular communication». PNAS (Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences) 107 (8): páxs. 3900–3905. 23 de febreru de 2010. doi: . ISSN 1091-6490. OCLC 60637487. PMID 20133584.
Enllaces esternos
[editar | editar la fonte]- Ling Meng's profile Archiváu 2018-03-08 en Wayback Machine at Mendeley
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