Llista d'estrelles más grandes conocíes

La siguiente ye una llista de les estrelles más grandes conocíes hasta'l momentu, según los estudios realizaos polos astrónomos; los tamaños tán espresaos radios solares ( ). L'orde exactu d'esta llista nun ye definitivu nin completu. Amás, hai qu'apuntar lo siguiente:
- Les componentes de delles estrelles dobles son trataes individualmente, ente que n'otres ocasiones da información combinada.
- Hai variaciones estadístiques según el criteriu de determinación del tamañu.
- El diámetru del Sol ye d'aproximao 1 392 000 km (1,392 × 10⁹ m).
Hai que tener en cuenta que non siempres les estrelles más grandes son bien masives, nin viceversa. R136a1 ye un exemplu, yá que ye la estrella más masiva (ye una hiperxigante), pero'l so radiu ye de 35,4 radios solares.
Llistáu d'estrelles más grandes
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- Llista d'estrelles
- Llista d'estrelles más masives
- Llista de les estrelles más brilloses
[editar | editar la fonte]- ↑ «The Physical Properties of the Red Supergiant WOH G64: The Largest Star Known?». Astronomical Journal 137 (6): p. 4744. June 2009. doi: . Bibcode: 2009AJ....137.4744L.
- ↑ Table 4 in «The Effective Temperature Scale of Galactic Red Supergiants: Cool, but Not as Cool as We Thought». The Astrophysical Journal 628 (2): páxs. 973. 2005. doi: . Bibcode: 2005ApJ...628..973L.
- ↑ 3,0 3,1 Error de cita: La etiqueta
nun ye válida; nun se conseñó testu pa les referencies nomaestorres2013
- ↑ Tabernero, H. M.; Dorda, R.; Negueruela, I.; Marfil, E. (February 2021). "The nature of VX Sagitarii: Is it a TŻO, a RSG, or a high-mass AGB star?". Astronomy & Astrophysics. 646: A98
- ↑ Lang, Kenneth R. (2006), Astrophysical formulae, Astronomy and astrophysics library, 1 (3 edición), Birkhäuser, ISBN 3-540-29692-1, https://books.google.com/books?id=OvTjLcQ4MCQC&pg=PA41. The radius (R*) is given by:
- ↑ «Atmospheric dynamics and the mass loss process in red supergiant stars». Astronomy and Astrophysics 469 (2): páxs. 671–680. 2007. doi: . Bibcode: 2007A&A...469..671J.
- ↑ Table 4 in «The Effective Temperature Scale of Galactic Red Supergiants: Cool, but Not as Cool as We Thought». The Astrophysical Journal 628 (2): páxs. 973. 2005. doi: . Bibcode: 2005ApJ...628..973L.
- ↑ 8,0 8,1 8,2 Red supergiant candidates for multimessenger monitoring of the next Galactic supernova
- ↑ van Genderen, A. M.; Lobel, A.; Nieuwenhuijzen, H.; Henry, G. W.; De Jager, C.; Blown, E.; Di Scala, G.; Van Ballegoij, E. J. (2019). "Pulsations, eruptions, and evolution of four yellow hypergiants". Astronomy and Astrophysics. 631: A48.
- ↑ Comerón, F.; Djupvik, A. A.; Schneider, N.; Pasquali, A. (27 September 2020). "The historical record of massive star formation in Cygnus". Astronomy & Astrophysics. 2009: A62.
- ↑ Table 4 in «The Effective Temperature Scale of Galactic Red Supergiants: Cool, but Not as Cool as We Thought». The Astrophysical Journal 628 (2): páxs. 973. 2005. doi: . Bibcode: 2005ApJ...628..973L.
- ↑ Baines, Ellyn K.; Thomas Armstrong, J.; Clark, James H.; Gorney, Jim; Hutter, Donald J.; Jorgensen, Anders M.; Kyte, Casey; Mozurkewich, David; Nisley, Ishara; Sanborn, Jason; Schmitt, Henrique R. (November 2021). "Angular Diameters and Fundamental Parameters of Forty-four Stars from the Navy Precision Optical Interferometer". The Astronomical Journal. 162 (5): 198.
- ↑ Joyce, Meridith; Leung, Shing-Chi; Molnár, László; Ireland, Michael; Kobayashi, Chiaki; Nomoto, Ken'ichi (2020-10). "Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: New Mass and Distance Estimates for Betelgeuse through Combined Evolutionary, Asteroseismic, and Hydrodynamic Simulations with MESA"
- ↑ «CHARA/MIRC Observations of Two M Supergiants in Perseus OB1: Temperature, Bayesian Modeling, and Compressed Sensing Imaging». The Astrophysical Journal 785: páxs. 46. 2014. doi: . Bibcode: 2014ApJ...785...46B.
- ↑ Error de cita: La etiqueta
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- ↑ «Carina Constellation: Facts, Myth, Star Map, Major Stars, Deep Sky Objects | Constellation Guide» (inglés). Consultáu'l 2017-10-28.
- ↑ «Maser Observations of Westerlund 1 and Comprehensive Considerations on Maser Properties of Red Supergiants Associated with Massive Clusters». The Astrophysical Journal 760: páxs. 65. 2012. doi: . Bibcode: 2012ApJ...760...65F.
- ↑ «Archived copy». Archiváu dende l'orixinal, el 2020-10-07.
- ↑ «VizieR Detailed Page». Vizier.o-strasbg.fr. Consultáu'l 14 d'ochobre de 2012.
- ↑ «VizieR Detailed Page». Vizier.o-strasbg.fr. Consultáu'l 14 d'ochobre de 2012.
- ↑ «On the CO Near‐Infrared Band and the Line‐splitting Phenomenon in the Yellow Hypergiant ρ Cassiopeiae». The Astrophysical Journal 651 (2): páxs. 1130–1150. 2006. doi: . Bibcode: 2006ApJ...651.1130G.
- ↑ Woodruff, H. C. (2004). «Interferometric observations of the Mira star o Ceti with the VLTI/VINCI instrument in the near-infrared». Astronomy & Astrophysics 421 (2): páxs. 703–714. doi: . Bibcode: 2004A&A...421..703W.
- ↑ «The hypergiant HR 8752 evolving through the yellow evolutionary void». Astronomy & Astrophysics 546: páxs. A105. 2012. doi: . Bibcode: 2012A&A...546A.105N.
- ↑ Kummer, Juergen. «Big and Giant Stars: Eta Carinae». Consultáu'l 18 d'agostu de 2017.
- ↑ «High-resolution optical spectroscopy of V838 Monocerotis in 2009». Astronomy & Astrophysics 532: páxs. A138. 2011. doi: . Bibcode: 2011A&A...532A.138T.
- ↑ Lane, B. F. (April 2005). «Interferometric Observations of V838 Monocerotis». The American Astronomical Society 622 (2): páxs. L137–L140. doi: . Bibcode: 2005ApJ...622L.137L.
- ↑ «Proceedings of IAU Colloquium 155, Astrophysical applications of stellar pulsation». 83. Bibcode: 1995ASPC...83..176L.
- ↑ Bedding, T. R. et ál. (April 1997), The angular diameter of R Doradus: a nearby Mira-like star, 286, doi: , Bibcode: 1997MNRAS.286..957B
- ↑ «The Age and Mass of the α Herculis Triple-star System from a MESA Grid of Rotating Stars with 1.3 <= M/M ⊙ <= 8.0». The Astronomical Journal 146 (6): páxs. 148. 2013. doi: . Bibcode: 2013AJ....146..148M.
- ↑ «Structure and physical properties of the rapidly evolving dusty envelope of IRC +10 216 reconstructed by detailed two-dimensional radiative transfer modeling». Astronomy and Astrophysics. 2001. doi: .
- ↑ «Quantitative spectroscopy of Deneb». Astronomy & Astrophysics 479 (3): páxs. 849–858. 2008. doi: . Bibcode: 2008A&A...479..849S.
- ↑ Kummer, Juergen. «Big and Giant Stars: L Carinae». Consultáu'l 18 d'agostu de 2017.
- ↑ «Interferometry of ɛ Aurigae: Characterization of the Asymmetric Eclipsing Disk». The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 220: páxs. 14. 2015. doi: . Bibcode: 2015ApJS..220...14K.
- ↑ «Polis». Consultáu'l 2017-12-02.
- ↑ «Two extremely luminous WN stars in the Galactic center with circumstellar emission from dust and gas». Astronomy and Astrophysics 486 (3): páxs. 971. 2008. doi: . Bibcode: 2008A&A...486..971B.
- ↑ Kummer, Juergen. «Big and Giant Stars: WR 102ka». Consultáu'l 2017-12-02.
- ↑ «Gacrux». Consultáu'l 2017-12-02.
- ↑ Ireland, M. J. et ál. (May 2004), Multiwavelength diameters of nearby Mires and semiregular variables, 350, doi: , Bibcode: 2004MNRAS.350..365I
- ↑ «Asteroseismology of the nearby SN-II Proxenitor: Rigel. Part I. The MOST High-precision Photometry and Radial Velocity Monitoring». The Astrophysical Journal 747 (1): páxs. 108–115. March 2012. doi: . Bibcode: 2012ApJ...747..108M.
- ↑ «The variable stellar wind of Rigel probed at high spatial and spectral resolution». Astronomy & Astrophysics 566: páxs. 18. 2014. doi: . A125. Bibcode: 2014A&A...566A.125C.
- ↑ Nordgren, Tyler Y. et ál. (December 1999), Stellar Angular Diameters of Late-Type Giants and Supergiants Measured with the Navy Prototype Optical Interferometer, 118, doi: , Bibcode: 1999AJ....118.3032N
- ↑ «Fundamental parameters of 16 late-type stars derived from their angular diameter measured with VLTI/AMBER». Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 434 (1): páxs. 437–450. 2013. doi: . Bibcode: 2013MNRAS.434..437C.
- ↑ «Angular Diameters of Stars from the Mark III Optical Interferometer». The Astronomical Journal 126 (5): páxs. 2502. 2003. doi: . Bibcode: 2003AJ....126.2502M.
- ↑ «Aldebaran's angular diameter: how well do we know it?». Astronomy and Astrophysics 433: páxs. 305–312. 2005. doi: . Bibcode: 2005A&A...433..305R.
- ↑ «Evolutionary status of Polaris». Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 449: páxs. 1011. 2015. doi: . Bibcode: 2015MNRAS.449.1011F.
- ↑ Evolutionary constraints on the masses of the components of HDE 226868/Cyg X-1 binary system, 358, 2005, doi: , Bibcode: 2005MNRAS.358..851Z Note: for radius and luminosity, see Table 1 with d=2 kpc.
- ↑ «On the origin of field O-type stars». Astronomy and Astrophysics 489: páxs. 105. 2008. doi: . Bibcode: 2008A&A...489..105S.
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