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Jung Ae-ri

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Jung Ae-ri
Nacimientu Yeonggwang (es) Traducir11 d'agostu de 1960[1] (64 años)
Nacionalidá Bandera de Corea del Sur Corea del Sur
Llingües falaes coreanu
Oficiu actrizactriz de cine
IMDb nm1439043
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Jung Ae-ri (Hangul: 정애리) (11 d'agostu de 1960Yeonggwang (es) Traducir) ye una actriz surcoreana.

Otres actividaes

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En 2007 el bancu de Parllamentarios de Serviciu Social honrar por ayudar como patrocinadora a neños afamiaos en Corea y nel estranxeru.[2]

Foi particularmente activa nel so trabayu voluntariu n'orfanato dende 1989.[3]

Vida personal

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Dempués de 20 años de matrimoniu, Jung y el so primer maríu divorciar en 2005. Tienen una fía, Ji-hyun.

volvió casase en 2011 con Ji Seung-ryong, un home de negocios qu'estudió teoloxía na Universidá de Yonsei.[4]


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Serie de televisión

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Añu Títulu n'inglés Títulu en coreanu Romanización Rol Rede
2015 The Man in the Mask 복면검사 Bokmyeongeomsa Im Ji-sook KBS2
My Heart Twinkle Twinkle 내 마음 반짝반짝 Nae Maeum Banjjakbanjjak Kang Sung-sook SBS
2014 Run, Jang-el mio 달려라 장미 Dalryeora Jangmi Mrs. Hong SBS
Golden Cross 골든 크로스 Goldeun Keuroseu Oh Geum-shil KBS2
Angel Eyes 엔젤 아이즈 Enjel Aijeu Oh Young-ji SBS
Land of Gold

(TV Novel)

TV소설 순금의 땅 TVsoseol Sungeumeui Ddang Madam Sewoondang KBS2
2013 Ruby Ring 루비 반지 Rubi Banji Yoo Gil-ja KBS2
Like a Fairytale

(Drama Special Series)


(드라마 스페셜 연작 시리즈)

Donghwacheoreom madre de Jang-la mio KBS2
2012 Glass Mask 유리가면 Yurigamyun Shim Hae-soon tvN
Can't Live Without You 그대없인 못살아 Geudaeeobsin Motsalah Min Jae-hee MBC
Welcome Rain to My Life 내 인생의 단비 Nae Insaeng-ui Danbi Ryu Ji-sun SBS
I Remember You 널 기억해 Neol Gi-eok-hae madre de Kang-soo SBS
2011 Kimchi Family 발효가족 Balhyo Kajok Jung Hyun-sook jTBC
Just You 당신 뿐이야 Dangshin Bbooniya Oh Bong-ja KBS1
You're So Pretty 당신 참 예쁘다 Dangshin cham yepeuda Na Myung-ja MBC
2010 Thank You for Making Me Smile 고마워 웃게 해줘서 Gomawo Utge Haejwoseo madre de Ji-hye KBS1
Smile, Dong-hae 웃어라 동해야 Useora Donghaeya Hong Hye-sook KBS1
The King of Legend 근초고왕 Geunchogo Wang Soseono KBS1
Your Heaven 당신의 천국 Dangshinui Cheonguk Young-sook SBS
Dandelion Family 민들레 가족 Mindeulle Gajok Yoon Sun-hee MBC
Stars Falling from the Sky 별을 따다줘 Byeoreul Ttada Jwo Lee Min-kyung SBS
2009 Can't Stop Now 멈출 수 없어 Meomchul El so Eopsseo Im Bong-ja MBC
Good Job, Good Job 잘했군 잘했어 Jal-haess-goon Jal-haess-eo Jung Soo-hee MBC
Sister's Menopause

(HDTV Literature)

언니의 폐경

(HDTV 문학관)

Eun-sook KBS1
2008 Temptation of Wife 아내의 유혹 Anaeui Yuhok Min Hyun-joo SBS
Women of the Sun 태양의 여자 Tae-yang-eui Yeo-ja Choi Jung-hee KBS2
You Are My Destiny 너는 내 운명 Neoneun Nae Unmyeong Oh Young-sook KBS1
2007 Eight Days, Assassination Attempts against King Jeongjo 정조암살미스터리 8일 Jeongjo Amsal Miseuteori Pal il Lady Hyegyeong CGV
Even So Love 그래도 좋아 Ms. Jo MBC
Conspiracy in the Court 한성별곡 Hansungbyulgok Reina madre (Daebi) KBS2
Flowers for My Life 꽃 찾으러 왔단다 Kkot Chat-eu-reu Wat-dan-da Madam Gong KBS2
Like Land and Sky 하늘만큼 땅만큼 Haneulmankeum Ttangmankeum Park Myung-ja KBS1
2006 Goodbye Solo 굿바이 솔로 Gut-ba-yi Sol-ro Park Kyung-hye KBS2
Love and Ambition 사랑과 야망 Sarang-kwa Yamang SBS
2005 Only You 온리 유 On-ri Yu Yoon Hee-jin SBS
The Post Horse Curse

(HDTV Literature)


(HDTV 문학관)

Yeokma Ok-hwa KBS2
2004 Immortal Admiral Lee Soon-shin 불멸의 이순신 Bulmyeolui Yi Sun-ensin Ms. Byun KBS1
Lovers in Paris 파리의 연인 Pa-ri-eh yeon-in Han Ki-hye SBS
Lotus Flower Fairy 왕꽃 선녀님 Wang-kkot Seon-nyeo-nim Won So-jung MBC
2003 Sang Doo! Let's Go to School 상두야 학교가자 Sang-doo-yá, Hak-kyo Ka-ja! Gong Shim-ran KBS2
2001 Soon-ja 순자 Soon-ja Hwang Seung-ri SBS
2000 반쪽이네
1999 The Clinic for Married Couples: Love and War
부부클리닉 사랑과 전쟁 Boobookeulrinik Saranggwa Jeonjaeng xueza (1999-2009) KBS2
1998 The Yera of the Three Kims 삼김시대 SBS
Eun-ah's Daughter 은아의 뜰 Eunah-ui Ddeul Lee Hye-won KBS1
1997 Devotion 열애

(MBC Best Theater)


(MBC 베스트극장)


Broadcasting Corporation|MBC]]

1996 Temptation 유혹 Yoohok Shin-ae KBS2
1995 Road El mio-jung KBS2
땅울림 Kim Jeong-ho's wife Ms. Heo KBS
옥이 이모
1994 역사 앞에서 Lee Nam-deok
The Matchstick Girl 성냥갑 속의 여자 Kang Se-hee
1993 Woman's Mirror 여자의 거울 Myung-ae SBS
1992 Desperate Man 위기의 남자

(Mystery Trilogy)

제1탄 돛배를 찾아서

(추리 3부작)

Sook-el mio KBS2

(MBC Best Theater)

이웃집 은이

(MBC 베스트극장)

Yoo-jung MBC
Dream of Seoul

(MBC Best Theater)

서울의 꿈

(MBC 베스트극장)

Llei Ji-won MBC
Flowers That Never Wilt 바람꽃은 시들지 않는다 Baram Ggoteun Sideulji Ahnneunda Yoo Seok-woo KBS1
The Close Peak 가까운 골짜기 Yoon-hee KBS2
Thief's Wife 도둑의 아내 Soo-ja KBS2
1990 1990년 12월 24일 눈 쏟아짐 Kyung-joo KBS1
The Rose of Betrayal 배반의 장미 Seo Ji-hyun MBC
1989 The Sleepless Tree 잠들지 않는 나무 Jamdeulji Anneun Namu Oh Seung-hye MBC
1988 Joy of Love 사랑의 기쁨 KBS1
1985 Laughter

(MBC Best Theater)


(MBC 베스트극장)

1984 Love and Truth 사랑과 진실 Sarang-kwa Jin-sil Lee Hyo-sun MBC

(MBC Best Theater)


(MBC 베스트극장)

인연의 불 Ki-ja MBC
Father and Son 아버지와 아들 Abeoji-kwa Adeul Hye-sook MBC
다녀왔읍니다 MBC
1982 못 잊어
Confession 고백 Go-baek MBC
1981 Dái's Beard 아빠의 수염 MBC
가장 긴 여름
Burning Bridges 불타는 다리 esposa del coronel Choi Kang-shik MBC
The First Republic 제1공화국 Kim Soo-im MBC
Hello 안녕하세요 Annyonghaseyo MBC
1980 동심초 secunda fía (차녀) KBS
벼랑위의 사람들
1979 정선 아리랑

(전설의 고향)

Set in the Lake Remen 레만호에 지다 espía norcoreana Hai Ma-ri KBS
Any Girl 어떤 여자 KBS
기러기 Min Ji-hee KBS
1978 Saint Julia 성녀 주리아 KBS
Pasque Flower 할미꽃

(전설의 고향)

B Dormitory Matron and Love Letter B사감과 러브레터 KBS


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Añu Títulu n'inglés Títulu en coreanu Romanización Rol Direutor
2012 Circle of Crime 비정한 도시 Bijeonghan Dosi Kim Mun-heum
Han Gyungjik 한경직 Han Gyeongjik documental narradora |Chun


2010 Hakuna Matata - A Story of Jirani 하쿠나 마타타 - 지라니 이야기 Hakuna Matata - Jirani Iyagi documental narradora |Lee Chang-kyu
2006 Fly High 사랑하니까, 괜찮아 Ssarang-hanikka Gwen-chana Young-eun Kwak Ji-kyoon
2000 Llibera Me 리베라 메 Llibera Mae Jung Myung-jin (cameo) Yang Yun-ho
1982 Stray Dog 들개 Deul-gae Park Chul-soo
1980 Three Women Under the Umbrella 우산속의 세여자 Usansog-ui se yeo... Lee Doo-yong
Añu Títulu n'inglés Títulu en coreanu Romanización Rol
2010 The Most Beautiful Farewell 세상에서 가장 아름다운 이별 Sesangyeseo Gajang Ahreumdawoon Ilbyeon In-hee
1997 A Streetcar Named Desire 욕망이라는 이름의 마차 Blanche DuBois
Royal Theatre 로열씨어터
Añu !Títulu en coreanu
2005 사람은 버리는 게 아니잖아요
Añu !Premiu !Categoría !Nominación
2010 3rd Korea Sharing Awards 국회상임위원장상
2009 MBC Drama Awards premiu d'actuación dorada, actriz veterana [5] Good Job, Good Job, Can't Stop Now
28th Sejong Culture Awards 통일외교부문상
2007 Inter-Parliamentarians for Social Service premiu especial de voluntariáu
2005 KBS Entertainment Awards premiu a los llogros The Clinic for Married Couples: Love and War
2003 KBS Drama Awards Sang

Doo! Let's Go to School

1997 21st Seoul Theater Festival A Streetcar Named Desire, Royal Theatre
1985 21st Baeksang Arts Awards meyor actriz de tv Love and Truth
1984 MBC Drama Awards Grand Prize (Daesang) Love and Truth
1981 17th Baeksang Arts Awards meyor actriz debutante Set in the Lake Remen
1976 Ewha Womans University Dance Competition 1st llugar

danza moderna


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  1. Afirmao en: Internet Movie Database. Identificador IMDb: nm1439043. Data de consulta: 11 xineru 2016. Llingua de la obra o nome: inglés.
  2. «Chung Ae-ri, Cho Min-ki Win Special Volunteer Award» (24 d'agostu de 2007). Consultáu'l 2 de xunu de 2013. (enllaz rotu disponible n'Internet Archive; ver l'historial y la última versión).
  3. Park, Min-seon (4 d'avientu de 2000). «Actress Continues Support of Orphanage». Consultáu'l 2 de xunu de 2013.
  4. «Dandelion Land Jeong Ae-ri, marries Ji Seung-ryong» (23 de marzu de 2011). Consultáu'l 2 de xunu de 2013.
  5. Park, So-yeon (31 d'avientu de 2009). «Ko Hyun-joung wins grand prize at MBC Acting Awards». Consultáu'l 2 de xunu de 2013.

Enllaces esternos

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