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  • Patriots ye un discu de Franco Battiato. "Up patriots to arms": ún los sos cancios más nomaos. La lletra amuesa bien nidio la so llucha musical y social…
    786 bytes (100 pallabres) - 18:10 16 xin 2023
  • Closer ye un discu de Joy Division. Closer caltién el xeitu musical del discu previu, Unknown Pleasures, pero equí la murnia y el miéu d'Ian Curtis paecen…
    1 kB (191 pallabres) - 07:21 11 pay 2024
  • Miniatura para The Game (Queen album)
    The Game ye un discu de Queen. Play the Game (Mercury) – 3:31 Dragon Attack (May) – 4:19 Another One Bites the Dust (Deacon) – 3:38 Need Your Loving Tonight…
    630 bytes (89 pallabres) - 22:30 16 xin 2023
  • Miniatura para Flash Gordon (banda sonora)
    Flash Gordon ye un discu de Queen. Flash’s Theme – 3:29 In the Space Capsule (The Love Theme) – 2:42 Ming’s Theme (In the Court of Ming the Merciless)…
    1007 bytes (141 pallabres) - 07:46 16 xin 2023